Shop Botanica® Cleansing Wash 300ml PreviousBotanica® Natural Herbal Cream 125ml Next10% Iodine Botanica® Cleansing Wash 300ml Botanica® Cleansing Wash 300ml €14.41 A unique combination of natural herbal ingredients, blended to make a soothing, antisepticwash for both human and animal use. Quantity: Add To Cart Facebook0 Twitter Pinterest0 You Might Also Like Feliway® Classic diffuser and refill €48.50 Sold Out Glandex® Anal Gland support powder 70g €26.75 Botanica® Natural Herbal Cream 300ml €32.07 Ubasan® ear cleaning solution 120ml €12.80 Bottle feeding set for puppies and kittens €7.00